Friday, 8 August 2014

The script

I have now designed a script which should last no longer that 2 minutes.

Originally it opened immediately with the 2 eye surgery options, however on speculation I realised an important factor in explaining anything is ensuring your audience is comfortable with the terminology...
So now the script opens with a description of the eye:

"Lets begin with a quick tour of the human eye.
Right in the middle, is the visual gel containing many optic nerves
Surrounding that is the retina, choroid and the sclera.
The lense sits towards the front of the eye, behind the iris, in line with the hole know as the pupil.
Finally the transparent layer forming the front of your eye is the cornea.

There are 2 different laser eye operation methods.

The most common choice is LASIK. 
Using a tiny sharp knife, a flap of tissue is created from the surface of the cornea. 
The flap is lifted and the underlying cornea is lasered before replacing it.

On the other hand, if you’re cornea is naturally thinner, you may choose LASEK surgery. 
The surface layer of cells on the front of the cornea are treated with alcohol and pushed aside. 
The underlying cornea is then lasered to reshape it, similar to a potter reshaping clay. 
The epithelium must then grow back and the vision settles down making the patient vision perfect!"

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