Friday, 7 November 2014

Analysing Results of Survey

I have now collected the results of my survey. Here is a breakdown of all the statistics:


Question answers to: 

Is there any information you feel could be added in the video? If yes, please state. Are there any improvements to the video you can suggest?

  1. There is nothing about the health risks of surgery. I would like to know more about them, and why they are risk factors.
  2. What are the risks?
  3. The possible side effects and consequences of laser eye surgery.
  4. The graphics would be better to give a more realistic view.
  5. More detail why corneas might be thinner.
  6. Better music.
  7. What are the side effects?
  8. More time to digest information would be good.
  9. How long does the surgery process take?

It can be seen there is a high prevalence in requests of addition information linked with side effects/safety hazards of the surgery. It appears the video alone, leaves the viewer slightly inconclusive as they feel they are missing information on a crucial factor to make a decision on laser eye.
It can be seen in my evaluation of 'Laser Eye in the Media' I chose not to include the risks of surgery as there was a lot online to inform the public. However ideally this video is appropriate to play with or without an internet source.
In response to the survey answers, I am going to design a leaflet containing the possible health risks and side effects of the surgery. It could be given out to a viewer after they have watched the video. It will be a small standard size leaflet meaning it is compact and it won't look too daunting.

Over 63% of people said the concept of eye surgery scared them. I will create a 'keeping calm before surgery' card, which the patient can fit in their wallet/purse and can look over before undergoing laser eye.

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